About SeeYes


SeeYes started with a TEDxUCLA talk on self-efficacy during the pandemic by Dr. Laura Ritchie that later sparked the self-publishing of her book ‘Yes I Can,’ looking at the power of identifying an individual’s goals, strengths, and obstacles. During this time, a series of conversations and retreats led to forming of a team (Kenn Heller (UCLA), Dr. Laura Ritchie (University of Chichester, UK), Dr. Dan Cervone (University of Illinois Chicago), and Scott Hutchinson (UCLA) to consider using evidence-based and science-based tools to create a customized personal assessment system – as a web-enabled tool. Instead of using an aggregated generalization of psychological behaviors, this web-enabled tool could instead leverage a well-regarded and time-intensive psychological system to identify highly bespoke solutions to help clients understand the people in their organization, and users could “see” themselves and paths to reach their specific goals. In essence – SeeYes gives individuals a tool to have more agency in their lives.

While prototyping the software tool, we had conversations about students with leadership at universities, including the UCs, Cal State, Stanford, Tufts, and others. It became clear very quickly that we had an opportunity to tailor a build of the system toward a specific audience – higher education institutions. SeeDegree became our first product: a software-based solution to the student information problem: allowing universities and colleges to know their students, help them engage, and guide them to reach their potential.

Currently our systems focus on education (SeeDegree) and business (SeeYes for Business).

Contact us to find out more about SeeYes and what our personal assessment system can do for your organization.

About the SeeYes Team

Dr. Laura Ritchie PhD


Professor of Learning and Teaching, University of Chichester

Laura is an expert in the applied research side of our project, leading the development of the app and science flows.

Dr. Laura Ritchie is a Professor of Learning and Teaching at the University of Chichester, UK. Besides being a cellist, Laura is a Chartered Psychologist and has published and presented internationally, in North and South America and across Europe. Laura’s teaching is heavily influenced by her research into people’s self-efficacy beliefs and cognitive processes (specifically metacognition and self-regulation) as they learn and perform/carry out tasks.

Kenn Heller MBA


Former Chief Innovation Officer and Assistant Dean of Students, UCLA

Kenn is our MBA with expertise in launching initiatives and coordinating the many things required to run and develop a business, including market research, fund development, and strategic positioning of our efforts.

Dr. Daniel Cervone PhD

Scientific Advisor

Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago

Dan, our deep dive evidence-based researcher, is a leader in the field of personality science. He focuses on the assessment of persons and target domains, to best enable SeeDegree to deliver accurate and actionable information about students, their strengths, and their challenging life contexts.

Dan’s primary research is grounded in a model of the overall design and operating characteristics of personality systems or a model of personality architecture. The Knowledge-and-Appraisal Personality Architecture (KAPA) model provides a set of principles for delineating distinct psychological subsystems that contribute to the overall coherence of personality functioning (Cervone, 2004). Daniel Cervone is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University in 1985.

Scott Hutchinson MFA

UX & Product Design

UX Designer, Director of Visual Arts UCLA Extension

Scott is the advocate of the user and is an expert in targeting experiences. He has led or been part of core teams that launched major initiatives through the chancellor’s office at UCLA. He oversees the UX, visual, software builds, and overall branding of the apps and display sides of the system we implement.
