A customized personal assessment software tool focused on your corporate context to give insight into people.

Recruit Effectively:
Know how your future employees fit with your corporate ethos and setting (from their perspective) before you interview them


Invest in people:
See what matters most to to people.
See the alignment of current employees with core areas of functioning in your workplace.

SeeYes software reports provide idiographic portraits of individuals.

See people’s strengths, weaknesses, self-efficacy (confidence), and what they value in your corporate context.

See people through their eyes.

The science behind SeeYes for Business:

The SeeYes personal assessments are individually tailored and provide infographic feedback designed to reveal the distinctive strengths and needs of each person. Our approach is grounded in rigorous scientific psychological research that overcomes the limitations of trait-based assessments.

The SeeYes Difference

You want to know about people – the diverse, complex, and sometimes ‘quirky’ individuals whose self-concepts and life challenges can shape their success.

When someone completes a traditional non-cognitive assessment, a quiz or survey, what information do you acquire? Scores on variables. You want to learn about uniqueness, but instead you get scores on generic psychological variables devised by researchers who most likely never met you.

SeeYes for Business is different. We solve the problem of traditional assessments to give you the information you want. People follow a familiar procedure and take a survey, but this is a different type of survey with very different results. With SeeYes for Business you genuinely learn about unique, individuals.

The Power of Idiographic Assessment

The SeeYes system is the first software tool to fully incorporate scientific advances in idiographic assessment, specifically focused on the individual. Findings throughout psychological science demonstrate that assessment methods which target the unique features of individual persons – i.e., idiographic methods – provide dramatically more information than traditional assessments, which reducing complex individuals to generic test scores. Specifically, idiographic methods have three big advantages:

  • Personalized Content: Individual people often have personal qualities, and face life challenges, that are not even represented on generic personality tests. SeeYes’ idiographic assessments solve this problem by enabling test takers to ‘speak for themselves’: to voice, in their own words, their distinctive characteristics, goals, and obstacles to success. You see people as they see themselves.
  • Persons in Context: Traditional assessments tell you what people are like ‘on average’ in their daily life, but averages may not mean much. People live each day differently. Lives occur in context. Most people are anxious in some situations, calm in others, outgoing with some people, shy with others, motivated on some tasks, unmotivated on others. Idiographic assessments reveal these critical person-in-context variations. SeeYes’ personalized reports show them to you.
  • The Psychology Behind Scores. Traditional assessments provide little or no insight into the psychology behind test scores. A student may be low on ‘conscientiousness’, but why? What does that mean? Traditional test scores do not tell you why. Does that person lack self-management skills or just not care about certain tasks? Another person is ‘introverted’ in team activities. Why? Are they socially anxious, or does their social or ethnic background contribute to their feeling uncomfortable in meetings? SeeYes’ idiographic assessments reveal the ‘why’. SeeYes treats people as experts about their own lives and reveals their insights into the personal qualities that are significant to their success.

Social Cognitive Theory and Perceived Self-Efficacy

SeeDegree is built on one of the most systematically developed and scientifically successful framework in the recent history of psychological science: Social Cognitive Theory. Social Cognitive Theory treats people as agents: individuals with the power to reflect on themselves, plan their actions, motivate themselves, and thus shape the course of their development. SeeDegree assessments target the central variable of social cognitive theory – self-efficacy beliefs, that is, people’s subjective beliefs about their ability to cope successfully with specific life challenges. Research with large-scale school/educational databases reveals that self-efficacy beliefs are the singularly strongest predictor of academic success. Self-efficacy has been studied across domains and is invaluable for success in what people do.
